The Regular Adventures Of A Detective Mother Read Count : 87

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery

I took a thoughtful sip of my coffee that early morning . My crazy fiance had barged into my house last night and asked the most stupid question: "Connie, do you have a coach?". I had nodded and let him in, before I could interrogate him, he had passed out on my golden coloured sofa.
I took another sip of my coffee as I stared at him, his wavy blonde hair, scattered all over his bare chest. He had been barging into my home lately, something that had begun when that freaky blonde started stalking me. "Was he protecting me?" I had asked my self. "I doubt it" I later reasoned.

I stood up from the coach opposite my fiance Sebastian, where I had been taking refuge for the past 15 minutes. Mug of coffee in hand, I walked over to his sleeping figure. I kicked his foot, he twitched but slumbered on. I frowned, angrily dumping the contents of my mug on his stupid, handsome, sleeping face. "What the...?!" He hollered as he wiped his face with his hands. "Coffee?" He said, looking up and seeing me, mug in hand and all. "Oh, good morning Connie, did you sleep well?" He asked, smiling. 
I didn't bother replying, instead, I shoved his outstretched legs out of the way, so I had space to sit. I gave him a you-know-what-you-did look. He began to defend himself immediately. "Woah, the woman last week, she's my sister, and about me always coming in, they're stalking me, so don't misunderstand". 
I raised my eyebrows at a word. "They?" I ask. He looks down, unsure of  whether or not to tell me what he was hiding. "My mom and my sister" he replies finally. "Really? They have finally shown interest in our marriage huh?!!" I reply. "Shhh! May's asleep. And yes, they have" 

Maya's my 8 year old daughter, Sebastian calls her May. I had her when I was 18, during my last year of high school. Yeah, I made a foolish choice, thinking that Gary Spikes (AKA my boss now) would marry me. Newsflash, he didn't. 
Maya's cute. She has long flowing chestnut brown hair, emerald green eyes and a sparkling smile. She looks just like me and nothing like Gary, so I'm glad. As for how I met and got engaged to Sebastian is a story for later. 

"But why do they care now? They said they weren't interested as long as we (I)gave birth to a heir" I mused. That's right. Sebastian is the CEO of Emperor Group, which is a super duper successful business empire.
Sebastian shrugs. "Now they do care cause they heard you had a child for someone else" He replies casually. My cheeks flush red with embarrassment. "Wait, uummm, we met afterwards, it's not like we were engaged when it happened" I say pathetically in my defense. 
Sebastian rolls his eyes. "It doesn't matter when or how it happened, besides, we're having a family dinner today at 8pm sharp". I frown. I didn't like the sound of that. He kisses my  cheek as he buttons up his shirt. "I love you babe. I'll pick you up at 7pm ok?" He says as he exits the door. I pout once I hear his car zoom off. I don't wanna go...I stare at Maya's room door. What were they going to say about her?

I might not continue this...hahahahha, give me enough motivation and I just might😄😉😉 Connie's 26 by the way...Sebastian's 27, his sister's 26, his mom's 52, his dad's dead. Connie's an orphan, and Maya's cute! Lol


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