I Can’t Stand It Read Count : 72

Category : Songs

Sub Category : R&B/soul
Every time I trying talking to you. Boy you driving my nerves up the wall. Keeping on getting me these attitude. Refuse to telling me what’s going on with your head. That’s why I staying to myself. With all the so calls laughing with folks. I don’t need a man like him keeps playing too many games. In the store shopping for food. Getting the same old treatment. Continue to fussing and wants to pick a fight. I don’t have time for this madness. Giving me an crazy look while I trying to talk to him. I don’t know what’s wrong with you getting yourself some help boyfriend. Or I be back to my self with no longer respect you. Even you got a woman in your life or wanted to be avoided from me. Get the stepping outer my home. Learn how to remain single alone. I don’t need to be treated wrong. Lying about the relationship it’s been bad over years.


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