Dreams 2 Read Count : 254

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance

This is a tough time,  financial problems led me to take a job, I stopped my studies and picked a job to balance my financial position.

5 years passed ,now  my financial position is stable and i  thought  of going for higher studies.

And in these five years i faced many instances and dreams occured very often but every time, his face is not revaled. I thought of going forward in my life and accepted marriage proposal. 

It is not easy for me to move forward  in my life. I just loved him more than any one in the world with out seeing his face, identity. But waiting for a love of imagination is not sensible. 
So, i thought of Accepting marriage proposal.

I went for my wedding shopping, there my friend gifted me a book. We went for dinner and had a long drive.

Its finally a day before my wedding, i came across that book. I started reading and came across all the instaces that i saw in my dreams. I went in search of him, i tried to contact him. Then i came to know that he wrote book in others name.
No one really knows who wrote that book
I find a hope of ray towards my love and i decided to cancel my marriage.

I went in search of him, I enquired every were.I was really upset don't know what to do i really falied in getting atleast one clue.

We don't  know when and where our destiney leads us. Moon is glowing its shine, I sat crying at busstop then a group of people saw me sitting ideal and started teasing me, i was being chased by them. Suddenly a man appears and saves me from them.

I can't even say a word, my dream came true . Finally  i met him, i saw his face in moonlight. I just expressed my love to him.

Then, he replied i too was waiting to meet you.

Atlast all my dreams came true. Finally  i meet my destiny.

We got married and lead a happy life. The dream helped me in finding my destiny, my true life partner.

This is a real life story of naren and aru.

For part one looks dreams. 


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