Poem Of My Choice Read Count : 222

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Topic : Pick up an object from your room and write a poem from the perspective of that object!

So this is what the old gold cup has to say to the guy who won it years ago. Today for some reasons , the guy is doubting his own self.. Look at what the cup has to say to the now grown up guy"

"The old gold cup"

I see you each day and night
With the hope that one day you might
Glance at self the way I look at you
And see the goodness hidden within the flaws so few

But what I see each day makes me sad
Mornings ur self-doubting and at night you are mad
At your own self for the times you followed your heart
And you missed hitting the bull's-eye on life's dart

Days pass by as you look into the mirror still lost
Trying to understand the moves that cost
Your ship to sink in the storms so fierce
Unable to see that you still managed to pierce
Right through the deep waters all by self
No one to hear you, no hands to help

And yet I see you pulling yourself back
From taking the next leap cause its courage that you now lack
All i hope you did was remind yourself of how
You won me years back which seems happened just now

Remember the time when your feet trembled so much
You knew it was difficult, as you walked in with a hunch
To speak in front of a crowd so large
Eyes staring at you, but still you took small steps to barge

And I remember is the way you looked at me, adjusting the mike
Your eyes sharp having the desire of how much you would like
To embrace and lift me in the air
Displaying to all your winning flair

And then you looked back at the people around 
Spoke very deep, with words so profound
By the time you gave ur speech they all knew
That they just heard the winner who spoke his heart 

Today when I try to look at you
Your eyes have doubt and lips words so few
I want you to unlearn the art of fear
Rub away ur doubts and wipe away those tear

And be the same teen boy with eyes so bright
Waiting to conquer the world will his wit and might
And once look at self the way I look at you
To find always a winner, in your versions old and new.
~ Jai


  • Apr 08, 2017

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