Story On My 12Yrs Old: Self Read Count : 192

Category : Stories

Sub Category : N/A
Topic: Write a letter to your 12 year old self!

Hey hi tiny one
U seem on the hurry run
Wonder who this letter is from
It's your tomorrow meeting yesterdays foam

A few clues I have for you
To crack down the puzzle of life's glue
Take a breath and gimme sometime
It's yesterday's milk speaking to tomorrows wine

Live each day as if it's last
Go and explore the world so vast
Never loss the art to laugh
At your mistakes, goof ups n gaffe

Believe in dream and magic around
Understand the silence between the sound
Protect and spread that like glee
Questions the stars,moon earth and sea
Never be afraid of speaking your mind
Take some time for self away from grind

In some years you shall fall in love so new
It will but last for moments so few
Embrace your self for being a broken heart
Take your pain and turn it into art

As you move ahead win people who are true
It's wise to lose arguments to keep the chosen few
With time that flies some people will fade
But hold them in Ur heart for the memories they made

Chose your idols with lots of watch
Coz they will shape you as per match

Sometime you shall few nobody understands you
Be thankful for the mom who serves before u ask
As time shall pass u will leave your best
For the pursuit of happiness quest
It shall break your heart as u leave your Street behind
Just trust your heart and ignore thy mind

People shall come.. some to stay some to leave
U shall chase your dreams weave by weave
When you free to lose something just take the fall
What's permanently yours after all

As u earn coins more n less
Help others to be selfishly blessed
Be the Robin hood for the eyes that lost hope
Be the guy who fights for them till the last string of the rope

As you sail along from one port to another
Look at what u leave behind as u move forward
It's not mansion money that shall define who is you
But one who cry when Ur end comes true
Leave something in the sands of time
Don't fall for the petty .. "what's your n what's mine"

Judge no-one and treat thy all
How u would be loved to be treated by each summer n fall
Love fearlessly and live with a head held high
When time are difficult just give another try

See the good in bad and the dawn in dusk
Listen to all but wisely trust...
People who are around you today
Will be distant phone call will no time to slay

Pick up your phone and dial your parents
Maybe their entire life went waiting for u to vent

As you walk on love people around
Hear to their stories waiting to be found
Tomorrow is a myth be happy today
And remember it's about what you do n not what you just say

- Jai


  • Hailey Hyena

    Hailey Hyena

    you are amazing

    Apr 09, 2017

  • KavithaVivek G Nath

    KavithaVivek G Nath

    Superb...this article enhanced my self confidence. .Thanks a lot. . Keep writing dear!!!

    Apr 11, 2017

  • Apr 08, 2017

  • Apr 08, 2017

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