Derrick Read Count : 117

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A


Stand-ing along the 

Lengths of long Wi-re,

Stood The Look Out, The 

Boo-t and The Get 

A Way Dri-ver.

Men masked there 

As Their Knees 

And Heels Knock.

Stage cen-tered 

A-gainst a


Spring Floor Drop.


That My  Left foot


With the Drop Stop.

My Ri -fle butt-Stock 

On Floor half Cocked,

In My Right Hand and

At My Rea-dy to Rock.

Judge been founds 

Allz 3 Ah Yawlz 

Nig-gaz Gui-lty!!


Stand On Your Spot,

Yous have been 


To the Promised Land.

Tie them knots! 

Stand there Square

Center stage,

Niggaz-Sees Yous

On Mountain Top!

But We ain’t gonna 

Make It There with Ya,

By-e the  Lever - let knot,

Or by the Trigger - get shot.


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