Betrayal💔 Read Count : 155

Category : Stories

Sub Category : YoungAdult
She cheated me for the second time now. She had betrayed me though she was my life, my heart beat. She never thought of my true love but only loved my money. It was heavily raining when I saw her first time outside the supermarket waiting for a cab. I fell for her the first time I saw her. Her eyes were the most attractive in her appearance and even though she qas wearing a mask I could see her beauty. I tried to approach her but as soon as I went towards her she sat in the car. That day I was happy but sad as well because I could not talk to her nor have her contact number. For that day I used to visit that supermarket frequently but never saw her. 


  • Manisha Samantha

    Manisha Samantha

    sorry 😐😔 that so painful story and poetry

    Aug 11, 2022

  • Sorry to hear this 💔💔 short story

    Aug 13, 2022

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