HE-ART Read Count : 106

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

In the A-IR

I HE-ARThe voice,

Of an Ain-gel.

Me She all-2 swe-et-ly

Fur-long  In-to her sea.

Do You hear that?

Voice so faint-tel-l

Her ear-ful strokes  

that ca-lm-ly 

Pa-ddle My Boat Onward 

T-o She.

When at first the 

Sound Of Your Sigh, 

Gets me close to 

Where dim lites

Your smile, barely 

Afloat as you 

Re-alize It will only

Match the fright 

In Our eye-s As 

You’re e-clipsed 

By the cap-size.

Do You hear that?

Voice so Ain-gel.

Her Strokes calm-ly

Pa-dd-led a Boat

Into Her reach.

At first Her verse

Spoke curiosity To 

Cat-call-ing eyes.

Now sur-prised!

And figh-ting to save

A-ll 9 Lives. 


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