Read Count : 159
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Ain’t been no
Sun-shine for days,
E-ver since My
Father has gone a-way.
A grey line
So sublime
I find re-mind,
M-e tha-t my
Dad has gone away.
Leaves blown ‘gainst
My back but none
That hit home’n
That My Sax don’t
Pla-y them tenor
Tales in buck-et
Breves of
Fa-ilng scales.
Song-s in the
Die-rect-ion of,
The Leaves blown’
To show Love.
To whom the Leaves
Are call-en,
It Sounds sharp
Al-tho the
Notes flat-ten.
What is to-day
God it’s been
Since this grey
A-way the Day.
In kick the buck-et,
Full of scales.
Been to-tally grey
All Day-til light-ning
Shines Sil-ver line-ing
A-gainst greys dis-may.
As Eye’s tear away
And I begin to play
Life and Death’s
Tha-ts’po-se to
Play that way.
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