Storms And Rain: Blessings
Read Count : 142
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
God doesn't blesses without speaking
For the thunders of his voice causes rain to fall and always rain are blessings to the earth and yet how it still shows you how God loves the earth.
But His judgments are like hurricanes in specific regions usually when God judges a specific area it's all because of sin but when He judges sin then He has to clean it up either by fire, thunderstorms, typhoons and hurricanes.
Usually in the natural sense we usually don't understand what's going on because you turn on the television and all these chaotic things are taking place in our world and naturally all the evil that goes on is all because simply of sin.
Usually when we're in sin we are not the best versions of ourselves and sin brings forth the fruit of death after been done for so long then usually judgment comes.
So we see usually mass murders, rapist, serial killers, ect. But simply in a carnal mind we cannot comprehend what we see but spiritually we have to know that this evilness taking place is actually spiritual. So we see how sin opens spiritual doors for other traumatic spirits to form our lives usually from early childhood and generations. So from each generation holds a different type of spirit or curse. Usually when we think of a generational curse like perversion usually it comes in many ways but the same thing....
However we know honestly God doesn't want anyone to suffer but there are the saints in heaven asking the Lord to avenge their enemies so they remind Him and he pour forth his judgments upon the earth.
Revelations 6:10
They called out in a loud voice, “How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?”