A Cursed Life Read Count : 109

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
No one knows me, not anymore at least.
I've been a dead man walking for years now.
I've been shown constantly that people hide the truth. 
Showing kindness doesn't always bring kindness. 
Forgiving people constantly, turns itself into a fear that you don't matter. 
It's hard to find a place I can sit and breath at without thinking I'm worthless.
Constantly fucked with, hypnotized, and treated like shit, yet I take blame.
Love isn't real, that's where I am.
Most say I need to heal before choosing to write.
I say, writing shouldn't only be about being happy. 
I'm not the same person, that is true.
I don't trust, I don't try now, and I rarely even talk these days. 
Life's not over, but it doesn't seem like it will get any better.
Lost is an understatement, I'm dead inside but alive and hanging onto nothing but life and the few, the so very few moments I remember some kind of happiness. 


  • I love this poem❤️

    Oct 12, 2022

  • Oct 12, 2022

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