Paradox Read Count : 143

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Criteria gone dark. Can't even get a spark from the flint and the rock. A light in the dark; that's the phrase, but I haven't seen a light in here for some time. Black; engulfed everything; mind; soul, and heart. I tear myself apart sifting around; feeling my way to not even find a single door. A stub here, another stub there, but let's not forget the many times I seem to fall. I'm alone, seems to be like it will always be always. Lifeless; heartless; soulless; all three are words I've been named. Yet truly, if it were true, would I even write like I do? Learning how to live; that's what I'm doing with every question I keep asking. Some day; I hope I escape this black hole. 


  • held some truth but theres something thats off or too much of. but i wouldnt really know

    Sep 25, 2022

  • Sep 25, 2022

  • Infinite Note

    Infinite Note

    Something that's off or too much of. I would really like an explanation on that, because I don't see anything that's off or too much of? Please do explain.

    Sep 25, 2022

  • Oct 02, 2022

  • Oct 08, 2022

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