Thinking Out Read Count : 115

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
Ghosts still catch me off guard,
Angry I forgot to acknowledge them.
Face painted black I hide in the darkness
Always chased light flickers before my eyes
Turning my black face a brown continue lighting soft my misery guilt full my shame hate never escaped so understanding I relate to Noone and everyone all the same but just a tiny portion unlike feelings before allowed freedom wasted the night shadows far away breaking into a beautiful day full of music and joy only my eyes are closed yet I watch as someone attempts to wake the me below myself I have left my body now tears and sobbing tangles confusion I try to recall the last moments I knew life but it's hazy and I'm so easily distracted letting go of my quest and embracing death.


  • A few mistakes here and there, the message is easily grasped in this one. Good job.

    Sep 25, 2022

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