Read Count : 131
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Open the tap of my praise
And let me gush out His names
Announce it to the scribes
To the gentiles and the weary one likewise
Who is he that is great most
He's the EL'Elyon that I'm confident to boast
When thou lost who is he that search angles to jungles to find thee
He's the Yahweh Ra'ah, a shepherd that will never forsake thee
Oh ye land, is this God worthy of thy honour?
One who bring out live from sand without having it's odour
The uncreated creator, the lord that makes but can't be made
Òmìmì'tìn'milè, the most beautiful one that it's beauty can't be fade
I traveled now to the north and called Him, Mai Taimako
The Tushen Rai, the Ubanjidi N' Dunia, one who's precious than gold
Now the whirlwind hijack me to the East and I called Him, Eze Ndi Eze
The real odogwu, the Obata Obi Esike
Oh.... Who is this our God
He is the one and the true living God
He's the Oba awon Oba
Aiku, aisa, aidibaje, the shining star
The El'Olam__Everlasting God
He's the one who can be and that can bear Jehovah Ehyeh
When asked who this God is, I say he's the El'Hai
To Him be the glory and honour
For he's the one who fight our battle without a gun
That's why I called Him Odogwu Akataka
© Boluwatife Alabi. O
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