Dad, Remember Me
Read Count : 120
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
C'mon dad remember when,I was seven that christmas,or the present you sentOr how about that timeyou took me to theswap meetyou bought me thatpretty dressfor that Easter SundayI have a memoryof when i was a teen,dating a man that wasof your ageand you threatened meyou'd kill emYou must rememberwhen we went to the parkyou rented a paddke boatand we paddled untilour feet hurtSo many memoriesyou've created with meit's devestating thatAlzhiemers is going towipe them from yourbrainHere real soonwill come a dayand yet nothing willprepare me for theanswer on your facewhen asking you forthe first time...Remember me daddy?
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