SILENT WAR Read Count : 139

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The incident had been silenced

The atmosphere is not cool

 Reporters are eager to know the good truth

Members who witnessed the scene were rude

Problems came and I know it got you

Sleepless nights will come your way

Happiness will go astray

Wake up and wash your face

Hide those tears that are flowing

That pain might weaken your heart 

Chained to the wall like a helpless slave

You are panting ponderously 

Your legs are shaking in the cold snow

 Just a snowball, you will be on the ground

You only accept defeat when you refuse to rise up

Don't let them capture your weakness in the light

Running with the wild wolves

Their angry eyes depict no compassion

Hunger has stayed with them for too long

So they want to prove their masters wrong

Unfortunately and sadly, they pounced their anger on you

At the wrong time

Thrown to the dust

Rise up and dust off your dress on them

Show them how strong you are 

Don't be surprised when you sometimes give up on your dreams

You might see how strong the wind blows 

At the end, it ruins properties

Fear has defeated confidence

A smiling face is pale now

Tender age have been missed 

Time can't move back

You will shiver a little but remember the strong hands holding you

Keep praying and stick to your faith

Your prayers are answered in heaven

The tears will still flow but later, it will dry and evaporate

Fight this war silently

To keep those reporters behind bars

You will surely smile with dimples.

© Jessyreaders Poetry Hub ✍️# Silentwar


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