I Hope Read Count : 173

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
I hope Spring brings you new beginnings,
A new lease on the life you had grown tired of.
I hope Spring gives you the warmth and happiness to grow and learn about all the things you’ve missed.
I hope Spring brings positivity and light where so much pain and darkness had consumed you.
I hope Spring leaves you feeling feather-light, no weight on your shoulders to ground you.

I hope Summer brings joy, love and laughter.
With a new love, to prosper and thrive.
I hope Summer makes you believe in the you that I can see.
I hope Summer teaches you about yourself, about how the person you were is not the person you can be.
I hope Summer takes you by the hand and transports you to another time, another place.

I hope Autumn helps you find comfort in the losses, in the falling of friends.
To ensure you know, you can go on.
I hope Autumn wraps you in a wonderous blanket of gold and red, to whisk you up in comfort.
I hope Autumn shows you that not everything lasts forever - that as with the leaves, the pain shall fall, it shall die out.
I hope Autumn heals you, gives you the time to be with yourself.

I hope Winter isn’t too harsh,
That it doesn’t drain from you the life that Summer gave.
I hope Winter provides the time to rest and recouperate all of the energy lost.
I hope Winter will smother you with loved ones, to move past those painful memories.
I hope Winter will show you what it’s like to be loved, truly loved. Even when the skies are grey and the rain falls slick.

I hope that even as the seasons change, you remember:
You are to me, all that you can be, all I could ask for.
I hope you know that you are the new breath of life in spring. 
I hope you know that you are the sunlight gently caressing my face in summer.
I hope you know that your love swells up inside of me as the leaves fall in autumn.
I hope you know that you are the beautiful snowflake that falls upon a window pane, unique and stunning in every single way.

I hope you know that I am not just saying these things, that you mean more to me than all the seasons combined. 
That you are the reason I wake up with a smile on my face and go to bed with a song in my heart.
The way your eyes shine as you talk about something you love. 
The way your lips form the words you speak to me.
The way your hand fits completely in mine.
The way your voice swirls in my head, bundling me up in a blanket of sound.

I hope you know that you make me love you more as the moon falls and the sun rises, more than I have ever loved another.

I hope you know that you are faultless in every way, that your actions and words both speak to me in such a way that I could not imagine life without you.

I hope you know, I love you.


  • May 31, 2022

  • Apr 16, 2023

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