The Last Ruby Pill .. The First Chapter Read Count : 118

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
The Last Ruby 

I was just about to crack me one open until I heard the ground thunder.. I started to feel fear creep up inside me, I looked out my cabin window.. and that's when I saw, the most terrifying sight I've ever seen.. an army of a billion zombie soldiers.. marching from a distance.. I knew what they wanted, I had the last Ruby pill.. the pill to unlock immortality.. I can't let this precious pill get into their hands, I must destroy my hidden cabin and make the run for it..
I grabbed my petrol tank.. and started saturating my furniture with it.. lit it up and run out the door.. looking back as I see the zombies closing in..
Running through the wet rainforest, with fear filling up my whole being, sweat dripping from my forehead as I glance back to see my nightmare close in. I'm stumbling over logs into dirt puddles, trying my best to persevere through this unexpected ordeal.
And then suddenly, my mouth was sealed by roots and I was shuffled into a hidden spot, i was almost one with the rainforest I felt myself morphing in to a tree.

To be Continued....


  • Great work 😊

    Aug 24, 2017

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