Read Count : 113
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Narrate how he silences youWhy are you blinded to the torture?Please, inform me you regard by what virtue he tramples over you
Why are you so mute still and fully surrendered?
Is His love deficient?
Inadequate to sustain you?
Is it the humanely aspirations
That kept you holding still?
Hearken back to the price He paid
Retrieve lady, you are solid gold
Forget not your stand
You are an asset, so priceless
Why are you lowered head?
Stop chasing the wind!
Let that hope melt, lady
You have pursued enough
Let it have it's turn now
For if not, it never deserved the chase
Do not rip off your soul
Stop breaking your heart
Let the wind blow as it pleases
For clearly it never deserved you
Wash away the salve from your eyes
Open your eyes to whats in front of you
Do not let his charm deceive you
For you have been hurt enough
It is time to let go lady!