My 2 Boys Read Count : 117

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
My 2 boys pwho lay down to rest 
It's true wat they say 
God takes the very best 
He looked down in his garden and saw 2 places free 
To stop my boys from suffering 
He said" please come with me "

They hand the tiniest hands 
And the smallest feet 
They had the slightest flutter of a heart beat 

It is true wat they say God does take the best 
Cause my two boys both lay down to rest 
 The day the doctor put you into my arms 
I gotta say I was the proudest of mom's 
But you got taken away so very fast
The love I have for you will always and forever last 

Just glad I gotta to say hi and give you a kiss and send you on your way 
That day was my happiest and also saddest day 
I love you and miss you please keep your spirits near 
I promise I'll never forget you 
I just wished you were both HERE
Mommy loves you 
I love could build a stairway
And my memories could build a lane
I would walk all the way to heaven 
To bring you home again 
Rip Morgan 30.09.2004-16.10.2004
Rip lexington  12.01.2014-13.01.2014
Mommy misses you my 2 angles 


  • Jul 21, 2022

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