Twisted Tragedy Book 1 Chapter 6 Read Count : 114

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Severus watched as his daughter came running out of the fireplace, shaking feverishly. 
   "Serena, what happened? Why are you shaking as if you're having a seizure?", Severus asked.
    Oh, Uncle Lucius just used the Cruciatus Curse on me. It's no big deal. Besides, why do you even care? I thought you hated me!", Serena spat angrily.
  Immense sadness welled up in Severus.

      How could she think that? She is the source of happiness in my life, Severus thought to himself.

      Instead of saying the comforting words he was planning to say, his temper took over and once it started, he couldn't stop.
      "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE THAT TONE ON ME, YOUNG LADY! I THINK I QUITE AGREE WITH VERNON! YOU. ARE. NOTHING. BUT. A. FREAK.", Severus heard himself say. He stormed out of the room, leaving Serena alone. Serena's eyes widened as her dad muttered that very word. 

        "Freak. Freak. Freak." 

       The word kept echoing in her head. She raced up to her bedroom and slammed the door behind her. She leaned against the wall as the tears stung her emerald eyes. She sat down on the floor and rocked herself back and forth.  
    "I am nothing but a freak. A freak. A FREAK!", Serena said to herself.
     This has been the worst birthday ever.

(Severus' P.O.V.)

    As soon as I entered my bedroom, I placed a Silencing Charm around the room. I punched my fist on the wall, making my hand bleed. 
       "How could I just say that?! Now I'm losing my daughter the same way I lost my best friend during 5th year! I hate myself and my temper! UGH!", Severus said to himself as he punched the wall once more, making his blood stain the wall. 
        As soon as Severus was done with his ranting, he took of the Charms and crept silently out of his room to check on Serena. That's when he heard her.
        "I am nothing but a freak. A freak. A FREAK!" 
       Severus slid down the wall as he clutched his black robes.

        "I need to fix this mess..."


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