An Unreversible Mistake Read Count : 120

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Theme::Teen Pregnancy

An Unreversible  Mistake

The deed had been done 
You could only feel the pain alone
May not be part of thy plan 
But ye must move on and make large thy clan 

Bitter experience this could be
Wipe away thy tears and let it be 
Consider it a blessing to thyself
And straighten the way by thyself 

Boldly I could say it's thy blindness 
You only aspire for the present pleasure and happiness
Clearly to me, this is why poverty is ruling our world 
Keep away thyself you always heard it but deaf to the word 

It's what it's, arise and take thy cross 
Tell parents to watch their teen so as to avoid been nailed on the cross 
© Bolualabi. O 


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