Why Do You Write? Read Count : 322

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Hello writers!

Writer's Outlet has been running for almost 6 years now and I've been a part of this community for almost 5 years. Throughout these years I've seen many changes, not only on the app itself, but also in terms of writers, writing styles, contents, as well as interaction. 

I am one of those who takes the time to read writings published on this app and I also leave comments and drop my rating (which is never below 5 star). 

Over the years, I have read all kinds of everything in here, not only the writings, but also the comments as well. I can say that I have been blown away many times by some of the writings as it is very clear to me that there are a lot of talented writers here. However, what I have also noticed is there isn't much interaction going on within the community compared to when I first joined this app. Why is that, I wonder? 

Anyway, I am hoping that will change. I'm not saying that we should treat this app like how we would on a social media platform, no. But wouldn't it be nice to know who your readers are and who your writers are? 

So here I'd like to start the ball rolling, in hopes that this little "experiment" of mine will get some interaction going. So to all you writers I have a question for you..... Why do you write? And if you have joined this app but have not yet started writing, I have a question for you too.... Why do you read and not write? 

Well, that's it from me for now. Looking forward to reading your answers in the comments.


  • Jun 21, 2022

  • It's a great question. I read to escape, I write to create. In all though, I'm mostly trying to feel better putting my heart and feelings on paper.

    Jun 21, 2022

  • I haven’t written in quite a while on the app myself, but when I write, I write to share the things inside of me. It has always helped me deal with life by writing about it - there’s nothing like writing about something to make me slow down, choose my words, analyze and think about what I’m going through. Sharing it is a bonus

    Jun 21, 2022

  • I write because I feel the need to be my own psychologist. Being a lonely person, the sheet is my best friend. When I write, I pay attention to my own thoughts, I analyze myself better, I criticize myself, I argue with myself, I am honest and sensitive. I feel the need to discover myself, I also remember that I am also a priority and that there are things to change in order to improve. I'm sure there are other people who feel the same way, even if I don't know them, I would like to soothe their broken hearts with my words. I recommend everyone to write. It is the best therapy.

    Jun 21, 2022

  • Zee Zulu

    Zee Zulu

    Thank you for responding, Roxana. However, I must say that I'm surprised to hear that you're a lonely person. Remember the time when i did that special feature promoting writers in this app? I sent you a list of questions of ways of an interview, and i would never have guessed that you were lonely based on your response. Anyway, I agree with your way to choose writing as your therapy. I do that too from to time. 💜

    Jun 21, 2022

  • i write because its the only way i know how to express my feelings concerning things that breaks me down and cheer me up. My best subject in my junior school those days was Litrature in English and English, i grew up loving to read poems and novels and from there i started to have the inspiration to write as well. writing has become part of me. I love it.

    Jun 22, 2022

  • Red  Velvet

    Red Velvet

    I write to ease myself and write things which I can't share with others, so even when I don't tell directly to that particular person, through writings I'd feel like I've already shared what I wanted to. Most importantly to improve my writing skills, yet to learn more from skillful writers here.

    Jun 24, 2022

  • I write to Express myself, also when I see or feel inspired or I find inspiration, I express it through writing. There is so much inspiration out there! I just love poetry so much! Its the best way I Express myself and the inspiration I feel.

    Jun 24, 2022

  • .

    Jun 28, 2022

  • writing is an escape for me. It has the power to take someone to far, distant realms that we cannot normally reach in the real world. I started with poetry around six years old, and from there the worlds just kept expanding. And after close to a few years on this site, I can understand the feeling when I see the other stories and tales that come around on this app. It boggles my mind, and allows for more connections with people. You are a brave and cool author as well, Miss Zulu. I remember you giving me my first 5 star rating on here on one of my Halo Mars Stories. Also I wanted to say thank you for being so nice and bold.

    Jun 30, 2022

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