Save Ne Read Count : 150

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Nights like this it's hard to keep
The pretense for the world
That I'm made of fortress strength
When I'm drowning in the hurt
Surrounded by the loneliness
That echoes through my life
Most days I can bullshit well
But I'm really not alright
I miss the life I used to have
I'd trade success in a minute
To go back in time, when light was mine
Shining from the people in it
But I'm the last one standing
Surrounded by their ghosts
Everyone I've loved, I've lost
Even those I loved the most
Who said they'd never leave me
I'd never face my dark alone
Yet here I am, freefalling
Through that darkness I call home
Someday I'll hit bottom
And I'll bleed out in my dark
I'll fade away in silence
But I'll have left a mark
Upon this world I'll leave behind
I never did belong
I've scattered poetry worldwide
My words, they will live on...
Long after I am gone.


  • Tallulah Tallulah

    Tallulah Tallulah


    Jun 12, 2022

  • Jun 13, 2022

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