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Read Count : 150
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Nights like this it's hard to keepThe pretense for the worldThat I'm made of fortress strengthWhen I'm drowning in the hurtSurrounded by the lonelinessThat echoes through my lifeMost days I can bullshit wellBut I'm really not alrightI miss the life I used to haveI'd trade success in a minuteTo go back in time, when light was mineShining from the people in itBut I'm the last one standingSurrounded by their ghostsEveryone I've loved, I've lostEven those I loved the mostWho said they'd never leave meI'd never face my dark aloneYet here I am, freefallingThrough that darkness I call homeSomeday I'll hit bottomAnd I'll bleed out in my darkI'll fade away in silenceBut I'll have left a markUpon this world I'll leave behindI never did belongI've scattered poetry worldwideMy words, they will live on...Long after I am gone.