Beats Of Heart
Read Count : 136
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
GIVE ME THE PEOPLE.Give me the peoplewho have had their souls sliced,their hearts dicedand their guts rippedstraight from their fking throatsby life.The ones who chargeinto the line of fire,their bloodied facessmeared with trauma.Swords raised, hurtling themselves through the rest of their dayswith the strength of armoured tanksfuelled by rage.The ones,who will never wave a white flagat their endless internal wars,because getting up,showing upand never fking giving upis the only waythey have ever known.And if I could,I would collect these peopleall up in my arms,and preserve thembehind layers of bulletproof glassjust so they can never to be touched,or tainted by dirtied handsor hurtful words again.Because believe methey are different,you can’t see itbut knowthat they can feel it.For their damage has seepedright down to their bones,and it aches in their chestand it seeps from their pores.These people,my people,the beautiful and the broken,lovers of the night,a sacred tribewho’s trademarkis simply knowingthat theywill always survive.To know them is to love them,to honourand to see themand I cannot helpbut to god damn admire themand the pain behind their smiles.Permanent remindersof sacrifices madeand the couragebeating in their heartsbeat of heart