The Rain
Read Count : 122
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I love you is a difficult thing to say
Cause I love coffee and rain and even sometimes pain
I don't want to fall in love with anyone
So I lay on the ground in the cold, wet rain
I'm scared of being hurt and being unloved
But I want to experience the joys and love
I'm jealous of happy couples
So I lay in the rain
Daydreaming it's me, wish the pain away
I have no one to care for
So I start liking animals
The spiders and lizards
That once I use to hate
Caring and loving, pretending I have a soul
But I feel so empty, no love to fill this hole
This rain is so comforting
Like a mother's warm hug
The rain is my love
And I'm flying like a dove
This cliff, this view
The rain, I bid adieu
Goodbye my love, you sweet comforting thing
If you were a person, on you would be a ring