I'M ONLY HUMAN🥀 Read Count : 211

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
In the diversity of today's society; one would think that having an opinion is apart of life, and self perception. We all have a VOICE and a CHOICE.  One thing remains, "What happens when others overstep boundaries and take your life into their own hands."

Competent; grown but still no one considered what you want in/out of life or who you choose to spend your time with.  Some times the people in your life can hurt you more from their way of helping or trying to repair the GIVEN problem or reconcile that relationship. Yet no one failed to realize if everyone doesn't has the same agenda; then it's all in vain. Two can't walk together unless they agree. Sure everybody is moving but you aren't going nowhere. 

You ever wonder why people whom you known in life that are sweet as pie but become bitter and withdrawn? You ever wonder why a friend or family member EVER STOP calling? 

When a person has taken so much OR BEEN hurt; to save the relationship some TIMES YOU have to cut ties. Anyone who forgives a person and they didn't see anything wrong IN OFFENSE on their part; they become a repeated offender. Unfortunately these type of people are experts at finding faults in others but blind when it comes to SELF.

We all make mistakes and MO ONE is perfect. In saying I'm only human, how can you expect me to go the extra mile for you when you wouldn't even walk for me.  

After years of being loyal, supporting, uplifting others, taking the back seat; even though the reward or idea was yours and keeping so many secrets as an FDIC bank on lockdown. 

So the next time you or someone you know tries to think or make a sound decision for that said person, don't without consulting that party. 

We all go through things in life BUT PUTTING extras on OTHERS plates that you wouldn't put on your own; is 
manipulation and coercing. 
In conclusion remember no one chose your mate but you. Please let those whom are single do the same. Stop pushing your agenda on others.  I said this confidently and last but not least; all the money in the world can't buy trust. Once you break a WOMAN's bond things will never be the same. Live. Laugh. Love everyday LIKE it's your last. 


  • Mar 15, 2022

  • Mar 19, 2022

  • omg yes

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