( The Sounds And Energy Of The Crowd) Read Count : 107

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Has you enter 
You see nothing 
But it is like
You hear them chanting
From the crowd 
You feel the energy
All around
It is pleasent
It is exitment
It is people gathering
For a electrifying entertainment
It like you hear the 
Voices in the wind 
Wripping and carring on 
With laughter, singing 
Just having the 
Time of there lives 
With shows after shows 
No matter how many you 
Have experienced 
It still feels like 
The first time 
Going and hearing 
The crowd 
With the enegry they
Bring that is 
The entire journey

Written By Sandra Craddick @ 5/2/2022


  • May 03, 2022

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