To My Husband Read Count : 141

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : History
We were young an free an our hearts was fill with gave me a promise that I won't forget because you ment it With I am in my long flowing dress as I said my vows to you.I was happy tom you made me felt that way ,an I thought it would forever be that way.days month an time had pass an now your not the same .as I lay in bed I remember how we were an now its not the same.I cook I wash an clean an make sure your favorite shirts are press an ready for the games I keep all you beers cold on the top shelf in the fridge ,I wear the same perfume the one you always love an some how you just don't see me.we have tired many time to conceive but my womb wasn't that strong I did my best for you an some how I was invisible to you.Tom I had change the color of my hair an you haven't notice it for weeks now an I don't know what to do anymore .do you love me tom its still me your wife the woman you had married from we was 18.this morning I reach over to touch you an yet my hands felt cold ,who is she tom why is this happening is she younger is she tall is her hair red like the way mines was ,tom I miss your lips your hands around the curve of my hips can't you see that I need you but you just don't want me .I hope she made you happy the way we was I promise I won't tell my family because by the time your done everyone would broken as i steered  at my wedding dress I hold it close just to feel it press to my chest .am your wife tom forever will be I will stay right here until you remember that you still love me. 


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