Emotional Expression
Read Count : 169
Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
So, I know I haven’t posted anything recently or even shared with the people I like to call my family… AKA the writing community… I am going to attempt to write something to share with you guys. I have been going through a very rough time recently with my family… and I figured I would use this app in the way it was meant to be used, not only as a place to share our creativity… but also a place to express our emotions and feelings without much negative judgment, as everyone has to start somewhere. I’m sure that even Zee Zulu and Roxana Balaban, the top writers of this place for very long have had to start somewhere. Whether it was a love of writing stories that they came across and explored when they were young… or whether they were told they could be a good writer in the future and so they started to test the theory. We never truly know what is going on in someone's life, we never know what is going on in someone's head. The only thing that we truly know about a person, are the things that a person lets us get to know… whether it be very little, to, much of their life’s story. I am going to share with you guys right now… a bit of what I am going through today, and have been going through within the recently passed weeks. So, twenty days ago, my brother Neahmya Julson was admitted to Trios hospital here in the tri cities for pain in his stomach. Before he got admitted he visited a couple of days before and they told him that he was only constipated and gave him some meds that would help him poop. Well, it had come to their attention in a CT scan that he was having kidney troubles… and along with these troubles in his kidney, he was having pee the color of a dark cranberry juice, a bad cough, and was very dehydrated. Upon closer inspection they found that within his urine was a lot of blood along with the fact that he was very, very dehydrated… to the point where he could’ve died right then and there. But before we continue about his hospitalization, let me tell you a little bit about him and his backstory. Neahmya was born at 26 weeks into the pregnancy and my mom was told that he “wasn’t viable” or in other words he would die because of his underdeveloped brain, heart, lungs, and other body parts. He has had 3 open hearts and 19 surgeries in the past 20 years. He is now 20 years old, and although he has the mind of a seven year old because of his underdevelopment during birth, he is an amazing young man… and as a sibling… I love him very much. As I was saying… My brother was found to have been going through kidney failure and congestive heart failure.. Without a known reason as to why this was happening… They said he would be taken to Spokane sooner rather than later. But even in his critical condition he had to wait six days before being airlifted by helicopter to Sacred heart. And we later found out that the doctor was lying to us about why it took them so long. But after getting him to Spokane they had to run dozens upon dozens of tests. These tests included CT scans, X rays, over a hundred blood draws, and much more. He had to get a pikline, which in a nutshell is pretty much a tube that goes in your arm like an IV and stays there as such. The difference between the two is that the pikline didn’t just run into the veins of his arm… the tube had to be long enough to follow an artery to his heart to get any IV meds they give him into his bloodstream faster. We now know that he needs a fourth open heart to replace one of the infected cow valves in his heart that they had to use as a substitute for the valve he was born with. We still don’t understand the reason for his kidney failure and other things that are going on in his body… But I do understand that he is going through a terribly rough time in Spokane Sacred Heart children's hospital right now… and would lovingly accept any and all prayers you send to my kind hearted brother. When we visit him we stay in room 205 of the Ronald Mcdonald house… And we see him when we can… But… I guess this all was more or less a way for me to express my feelings in ways I feel I am not aloud to express them when I am at home. I am 14 years old and am extremely worried and terrified for my brother, because I am not always in the know of what he is going through… and I broke my ankle the day he was airlifted to spokane… But… if you have read this to the end… I thank you all for hearing the story of my struggles right now. KayDance Smith