What About The What Ifs Read Count : 51

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Do you ever think about all the what ifs?

Never knowing if it was a missed blessing or a gift

Wondering if you would have a different life if you took more or less risks

Not jumping around and freezing like scratched up disc's

Regrets about not doing anything on your bucket lists

Unable to remove the scars on your wrists

Or ones left from wounds abscessed 

Would you do it over again for the special moments through all of this

Or would you rather have ran the other way

Who's too say

Regrets aren't forever but they can linger 

Don't let the past what if put you in the ringer

Leave those to the RnB singers

If you don't want to Wonder about the what ifs

You have to not stop yourself from taking the risks

Your never going to know if it's aMissed blessing or a gift


  • Mar 18, 2022

  • Mar 19, 2022

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