Read Count : 139
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
It's made of gold
No doors or windows
Made carefully to keep someone inside
Or to keep them away
Convincing myself I'm free
It's only when I open my eyes
That I see
What surrounds me
Speaks no freedom
Half the time I scream to be freed
Like I'm not the one who created it
It reminds me
I'm not like them
So stay away is the solution
Giving astronomic reasons I shouldn't fight it
It might be right
Waking up to a wet pellow
To meet people who make me feel abnormal
Normally I just wear that mask
Ending the day sad and broken
Ok I'm sorry that sad
Is a common denominator in my life
The voices make it worse
I listen cause they make sense
Look it's life
It calls to dine
But I don't know if I'm interested
In this game of life
Where you put in war with yourself
Given other humans as a distraction
As they offer pretence
Painted as love
How does it end if it was real
From a distance I'll watch them love
Each other
Laugh together
But once the spread out
They laugh at each otherLove made a jokeBy :BS