The Silence Battle Read Count : 216

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
The strongest person 
is the one that fights a silence battle

They are given no round of applause 
And no one says thank you
They often go unnoticed
And are never appreciated

They sit in the background 
Not wanting to take center stage
They fight the battles
That cause the most damage
That cause the most pain
And yet their only reward 
Is their own satisfaction 

Unlike Soldiers,
you won't hear about the war
 that they're fighting in
Especially not from the media
For their battles
Aren’t considered newsworthy
They keep to themselves
Holding their pain deep inside
Hiding their feelings
from anyone that passes by

There are few people that can understand the battles
That they bravely face head on
Always putting others
Before their own greedy desires
And self-interest

They are the shoulders whom society leans on 
When times are bad
They are the ones that are always misunderstood 
They are the ones
Running around the neighborhood
Trying to build up the community
And improving people's lives
Even when most of the community
Criticizes them constantly
Most people don't ever see
the good they do for the community 

And so like life  
The silence battle
The silence war they fight
continues on
But unlike life
This battle 
Rages on until the end of time


  • Apr 06, 2017

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