She Was The One To Save Me
Read Count : 174
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I was so happy when I met her,she was the one to save me,I fell for her so fast,my heart knew she was the one for me.She was so kind,it was so much more than I deserve,she was there for me when I was breaking,she made me feel like happiness is what I deserve.With her I rise higher,she’s my one and only star,she helps me feel less vacant,she guides me back to the place we are.Even though we’re apart she’s still with me,maybe not close by but I keep her in my heart,I know she really needs me.One day we’ll meet,like we’ve been dreaming of,I can’t wait to see the smile on her face,or feel the first kiss that I place on her lips.I am excited for our future together,no one believes it will happen,I know it will though,because she is my love without her I am nothing.She’s like my oxygen like I am hers,she keeps my heart beating,I feel so in love.She’s my sweetheart and my special girl,I wish for my darling to let me hold her heart like she holds mine,I’ll be with her forever and I’ll always be her starlightto guide her through the rough times.