Be Thankful
Read Count : 138
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Always be thankful for everything you have because some people don't have anything some people are on the street they have no food they have no water they have no clothing. Be thankful for the food don't waste it because there are a lot of homeless people out there a lot of people that has nothing they have no food and if they have the food that you have they would be so thankful because they don't have food some people starve to death they died because they don't have food it just hurts me so much because how many people are out there and they have no food and so many people are so unthankful for what they have. If you're picky or jealous of other people then please think about the other people that don't have anything because you have a lot of things that they don't have and they would be so happy to have the things that you have so please think about others and not just yourself don't be jealous of others be thankful for what you have because you never know all the things that you have now could easiothers.t disappear the next day always be thankful for what you have and always think about others
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