Shadows Read Count : 137

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
There's something dark in the corner of my room.

A figure, all black and hazy, with no eyes. Barely a shadow. My imagination.

I force myself to walk over and open my bedroom door. I don't look at the figure. It'll go away if I ignore it. So I ignore it, flip on the bathroom light and brush my teeth.

The sounds in the house are tenfold. Rain rattles on the roof, and with each rattle my gut tightens. I look straight into the mirror, straight into my own eyes, and ignore the infinite blackness beyond the bathroom door.

But that blackness creeps toward me as I stow away my toothbrush. Vapor curls round my heels. I whip around and the shadow is inches from my face. A sharp gasp hisses through my teeth.

I step back but my feet don't move. My body loses balance and I hit the floor hard, my head cracking against the linoleum, the impact sending black and white blotches across my eyes. Dizzy. When I sit up the world drifts lazily to one side and my eyes unfocus.

The dark spills into the bathroom. It sweeps around me, choking the lights, filling the tub, then pulls close. It brushes my skin. I feel it breathing in my ear.

"I've been waiting."

It swirls around me, faster, a tornado.

"I'm so thrilled to meet you. It's been lonely."

As it swirls behind me it twists into a human form, half solid, half mist. One night-black arm wraps around my waist, the other round my neck and tilts my chin up.

"They said you were crazy, huh?" he whispers. "Poor little Emmy with her mental illness." He presses his mouth to my neck and breathes in, and in one short burst the air is sucked from my lungs. I choke, eyes going wide as I struggle for air, but he's draining it faster than I can work my lungs. My flesh tingles. My lips go numb. The pain in my chest crescendos.

And then he lets go.

And this is insanity.


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