Never Ending Nightmare Part 2 Read Count : 160

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror
Anna woke up with a start. She had dreamed of the night she was taken hostage.
"Bout time you woke, I was getting worried," James said, and smiled.
"Can it, fish for brains!" Anna said playfully. 
"So rude!" James said, then his smile vanished. "You were screaming in your sleep again, is everything alright?"
She had been held captive here for at least 3 weeks, and had a nightmare every night. 
"I'm fine," she told him, and it was true. She was alright.
"Same nightmare?" He asked
"Yea." She admitted
"You need to talk about it." 
"I said I'm fine, OK!? Drop it." She yelled
"Just trying to help."
"Well I don't need help, I can take care of myself." She said, calming down a bit.
"I'm sorry," she told him "I just would rather deal with it myself."
"I understand." He said, and put his hand on her right shoulder, and pulled her closer to him in a hug.


  • love this!!

    Aug 21, 2017

  • its... good in the aspect of suspense as... the nightmares mystery is not revealed

    Oct 14, 2017

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