Disney Descents Ruby's Story Read Count : 115

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Our story begins right the night before mal and the VK's leave.  Ruby went up to the VK'S hideout which was filled with mals art. When Ruby got up there she was scared her mother had just had one of her crazy spells and when that happens Ruby usually gets hurt. The only person who can help was mal. Ruby says scared "You can not leave I need you her or she will kill me for sure".Mal sadly said"I can not stay and I wish I could take you with me but I can't,Here take this"Then she gave Ruby a heart necklace with her picture it.Mal said "Take this and when you see it It will remind you of me and that you have to stay strong."Ruby said bravely"ok I will".With that Ruby left and she hasn't seen mal since and her mother's episode have gotten worse over time.End of chapter one


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