Jacksepticeye Read Count : 145

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Miscellaneous

Name: Sean McLaughlin
Birth Date: February seventh, 1990 (27 years old)
Born in: Ireland 
Video content: Video Games

 Jack, or Sean, started like any other YouTuber would; a terrible video that nobody wanted to watch. As Jack got better, more people watched. After a couple thousand subscribers, Jack got a shout out from PewDiePie. Of course, people thought: 'He got all the subscriptions from Felix. If he didn't get the shout out, he wouldn't have grown big.' A couple months later, his channel blew up, giving him hundreds of thousands subscribers. Then, reaching one million, which he did a 'draw my life' video. After a while, he died his hair green, showing his Irish pride.(He looks amazing with green hair!) Currently in August of 2017, he has sixteen million subscribers. 
But where did his name come from? When Sean was young, his mom called him Jack. (Why? I don't know.) He played baseball and got hit in the eye, causing an injury. His friends called him JackSepticeye, because of his eye, that looked like gross or, Septic.
He also has a Girlfriend who also has a channel. Her channel is called Wiishu I believe.
You people can recommend a YouTuber for me to research, and I'll do something like this. 😀


  • Meryt  Fielder

    Meryt Fielder

    love him.. nice job

    Aug 21, 2017

  • i liked it!! i live sean so much

    Apr 08, 2018

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