Familial Curse Read Count : 122

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
Tell my friends i'm sorry for how i feel 

What they don't get is this feelings real

Behind my smile i'm suicidal

Sense i were happy, it's been a while

I sit in bed up all night

Processing whats wrong or what's right

I try to get by

Without a fight

All i know, is that my chest is tight 

It's hard to breathe

As im drowning

In depression

And anxiety

I say i'm sorry  

I'm breaking a promise

I run away

My escape so flawless

Escape from reality to "never land"

The thing is i don't think i can 

I walk to the river 

Gun in hand

Hide in the brush

Here is my final prayer

My last demand

My final words 

Is I pray they're happy

Its a curse

But were a family


  • your a great writer! im routing for you.

    Oct 28, 2021

  • KayDance Smith

    KayDance Smith

    thank you

    Nov 05, 2021

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