Why I Write
Read Count : 339
Category : Stories
Sub Category : N/A
I suffer from depression, anxiety, and insomnia. My mind is constantly overthinking, I am always overwhelmed. My therapist and my friends said I should start a journal. I’ve tried that in the past and I always felt like I couldn’t get my thoughts to my hand, to the ink and the paper fast enough. I would almost get MORE anxiety and stress over this, so I just stopped. I just recently picked it back up, and the feeling of relief that came from it once I finally finished the first story was borderline indescribable. My stories will not always be light and funny. They most often will be dark, and maybe even sad but they are raw. They are the unfiltered thoughts and feelings that I experience in the throws of my deepest points. I know what I write will not be for everyone and that’s okay, because at the end of the day they don’t have to be for anyone. They just have to be for me. If you read them, thank you. Thank you for allowing me to bare my soul. -Sara
Hi Sara. I applaud you for doing this. Writing can be healing and therapeutic. Keeping things bottled up inside is not healthy so let them out. Granted, not all writings will be openly received by others but so what? Do this for you and let your voice be heard. Take care and all the best. 💜
Oct 26, 2021