Shade Slayers Pt 8
Read Count : 161
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : YoungAdult
Kyle thought he was hearing things. Did professor Charlie really say that they were going to fight a real Shade and not a mechanical one? The perfect plan Kyle came up with was now ruined. All with a few simple words. Kyle looked over at his teammates, Anna and Connor. He had to come up with a new plan and fast. He doubt they would have a long time to talk before the fighting begins. "Alright, what's your guys Lights?" Kyle looked at the two, waiting for good news. "Well" Conner was the one to start. "My skin becomes as hard as steel." "That's an interesting ability." Kyle was now thinking, his left hand combing through his hair the way it does whenever he's in thought. "Yep, I won't need to borrow that big ball and chain thing now. I can use my normal weapons." Conner was beaming with a big smile from ear to ear. He hated that thing he used last round. It was big and clunky and he really had no idea how to use it. "Right! Now, Anna, what's your Light?" Kyle now focused his attention to the girl. "Teleportation. Only within ten meter though." She brushed off her ability with a wave of her hand but Kyle's mind was racing. How could he use what they have to win? For a random team Kyle thought, they were incredibly well balanced. "I can manipulate metal as long as there isn't too much for me to handle." Anna went wide eyed. "Oh, that's really cool!" Conner spoke up. "So are we going to do the same plan as last time?" "No. The mechanical Shades aren't all that complex. The three point attack we did wouldn't work as well, if at all on a real Shade. Despite what you think of them, they are actually an intelligent species and would likely know what we're doing." Kyle was still in deep thought. "Already class! Talking is over. Now it is time for some action. I expect beautiful displays of deadly tactics." "Crap! We don't have a plan yet." Kyle was cursing the short amount of time he had while professor Charlie rang out the words cheerfully as always. "Let's get started with... Hmm who should go first?" "Not us, not us!" Kyle's hands were tightly holding his head as if he could block out the idea of the match that easily. Professor Charlie looked at all the teams one by one. "Oh, we'll go!" May shot her hand in the air, grabbing the professor's attention. "Great spirit, girl! Very well, you three may go first." "Oh, thank you!" Kyle was never more relieved as when May offered the other team up to the chopping block first. As May's team left, Kyle started his plan to beat the shade. Writer's notes: here's Kyle's view of things. Not quite as cool and collected as he leads others to think. I actually quite like his character and I hope you do to. Rate honestly and criticize productively 😊