Shade Slayers Pt 7 Read Count : 135

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
Sarah and May were walking back to the academy, the apple blossoms that lined the main walkway still blooming. As they were walking, Sarah saw Tyler standing at the marble arch way that led to the entrance. He gave Sarah a look, she must have still been visibly bummed out, but didn't say anything as he joined them.

They walked to their class, practical combat, and are greeted by professor Charlie. 
"Greetings all. It is a splendid day for partaking in the deadly art's." He raised his fist, taking one step forward on the phrase 'deadly art's'. Charlie was clearly already excited to see the matches. "Now, as I said yesterday." Back to standing position. "You may finally use your individual powers, your Light. I know, you were forbidden to disclose the details of your Light to your peers, which is why you will have some time to do so now."  The professor looked at each student as he spoke. "One last thing. Where as before, you were fighting a beast of mechanical engineering, in a real life fight, you would be facing a Shade. so in preparation for the real world, today's foe will be a Shade. Just, try not to get yourself killed. Parent teacher conferences are always a tad bit awkward whenever that happens." He gave a look, like he had gone through those "awkward" situations before.
Kyle's calm demeanor he usually wore was broken, if only for a second, at the news that they were no longer fighting machines.

Sarah, May and Tyler when to the far corner and began to talk with each other. Sarah went first.
"Ok, we can finally get this out of the way. May, Tyler, what are your Lights?"
May stood straight as she pointed her thumb to her chest. "I get tougher and stronger."
"How very descriptive." Tyler had a slight smile crack through his lips.
"Ok then, what's yours?" May almost seemed offended as she stared Tyler down.
"I can generate electricity in a ten meter radius, and redirect any electricity within that distance. I can also use my spear as a lightning rod to extend the distance a bit, however, I cannot shoot consecutive jolts. It takes about fifteen seconds to generate enough electricity to make another jolt. May crossed her arms 
"Well, your's is more technical then mine."
"What's your's Sarah?" Tyler now looked to their leader.
"Basically like May's." She gave a nod in May's direction. "So here's the plan. I'll draw the shade to me, Tyler and May, you two hide at the sides of the street. When it gets closer, Tyler will zap it. Then May will hit it from the other side and I should be able to get it while it's dazed."
"Sounds good to me" May nodded in agreement.
"That sounds a lot better than the 'hit it tell it dies' plan last time.

"Already class! Talking is over. Now it is time for some action. I expect beautiful displays of deadly tactics." Professor Charlie rang out cheerfully. "Let's get started with... Hmm who should go first?"
Professor Charlie looked at all the teams one by one.
"Oh, we'll go!" May shot her hand in the air, grabbing the professor's attention.
"Great spirit, girl! Very well, you three may go first."
Sarah and Tyler shot May a "what the heck were you thinking" look. She just shrugged her shoulders and started walking for the door.

Once the three got their weapons, the went to the combat room, the familiar street greeting them. The door closed behind them and they shot on to position. The door at the end of the road open and in walked a shade in the shape of a very large, very angry bear. "Oh boy, here we go." Sarah just got the words out as professor Charlie's voice called through the intercom


Writer's notes: ok, finally touching base with the "Light" thing. Not sure how people are going to take it. You will notice that the fighting style of the teams will change with the use of Light.

Rate honestly and criticize productively 😊


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