Austin Manley Life Read Count : 137

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
I was 5 years was win I was going to get the biggest wake up call of my life was win it was turned upside down my dad was going to be paralyzed from the wasn't down that was win it all started.
So 2 years later it happens he falls had forest into a work out mushin an is lifeflated to UAB he was in UAB for 3 week's and   the first week in Intensive Care Unit the other two was in recovery
And I new that moment he gat home that my life had changed for Avery and that is win my life win from a kid's life to a teenage life.
3erd grade school I was at lunch win a kid sad your dad is lazy rading in that willchar. That was win I snapped win I cam to the kid was being kared out on a stretcher I had put him through 4 table and that was win I realized that I am dangerous to other people so I shot my self off from others Intel my cousin came around thin he mad me realize that I can not do thet it Hertz other people more then and he be cam lake a brother to me so I tuck him under my wing and teaching him how to fill with things but i was still week on the in side I was 15 years old win my grandmother pastaway 
It hit me hard send me Dawn hel I tried to commit suicide but my God would not a law it I spent the next 3 mots in children's of Alabama of Birmingham I prayed and mad my God a deal gat saved on the Sunday morning it was Christmas Eve thin my uncle passes away then a month of my grandmother it hit me but I had to stay strong for my cousin. 
I thought to myself how is next me my cousin my mom my dad? It is now and her that I make my self a beater pursen both mentally an physically for my family and friends and especially my cuz.


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