Something Random
Read Count : 133
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Science Fiction
This is something Random...😒 Peg opened the fridge to only find dust. "Lord Jesus.." She started off saying " Where the h*** is the food Pa" Peg was 25 and was still living with her 56 year old dad. She didn't work and didn't plan on working at all. Pa walked into the kitchen and threw an apple at her. "Here. I have the food somewhere else and you ain't getting it! Go find a job Peg." Disgusted, Peg threw the apple right back to Pa and walked to the backdoor slamming it behind her. Twenty minutes later, Pa' was throwing a suitcase a three bags of her stuff. He threw down a card and said" That cards has 10,000 dollars for you to rent an house or an apartment and buy you a car and a few clothes. Also some food." Peg looked at the card and stuffed it right in her purse. She had 10 dollars so she could ride the bus but, she was thankful for the money. Peg rode the bus for about ten hours. She had some food on her so she was satisfied. She got off and was went to this Old shabby building. "Hello?" A small guy who looked like he hadn't taking an shower in days appeared right before her. "So your looking to rent an apartment?" "Well Y--" "Okay then!" He said cutting her off. They walked for a few Mintues to an apartment complex. "Alot of people lived here." He said, "So you shouldn't feel like your alone." "Thank you." Peg said and took the keys to her apartment. The apartment wasn't to shabby looking. It had a small table with two chairs that was right beside the stove and a few counterinsurgency with cabinets. The living room was right in front of it with am 80's T.v and a old brown couch. There was a bathroom but it needed to be cleaned. The bedroom had a Queen size red bed but it was a little messed up. Peg sat down on the couch and started taking her clothes and things out. "Hopefully I can get a job." She said to herself.
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