A Beast Created Within A Beast Read Count : 163

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
They wonder why I poetry write,
Cause my mind right, 
Like a room at night 
In a cell that's black
Dark as the night why words fill my head like a flood...

Blood of an Alkebu-lan
In hood chains, with black fame, with the same education of white fame...
With Pablo Escobar blood line and the CIA drugs, with medical gloves, in a family member house we once love...

The world of a street world, 
Where our women are now girls, 
Who shake their ass for the world, the first of the world with thoughts of the world, to be the baddest bitch...

Can't you not see that the role has been switch, 
To us digging the ditch,
Why our kids pitch and run the field like Reggie Bush...
Trying to be the biggest gangster as President Bush...
Oil fields and murder dreams...
Drug deals and war schemes. ..

Why we are trapped in the American dream of beings a rich nigga before we 19,
Until we are living a life dream in prison greens,
With prison nightmares of leaving here with gray hair and in a wheelchair...

As the world stare,
Guessing if we have change,
Are am I insane from these chains and the pain they brings...
Like a wounded man in the rain,
Trying to wash away the shame of beings a blackman in a game that was design to destroy your mind frame with it's fame...

A man blinded by the illusions, 
Like the fuel use to keep it alive...
So many lives,
So many eyes,
Has seen this beast in disguise, but are confuse by it's lies,
Why tears shed like blood in our eyes of a world we now despise...
As lives beings laid to rest,
For prison is another form of death, or another form of breath,
For my lungs no longer rest,
As the blood that form this chest,
And the rivers that flow through me,
As the millions lost at sea...

Ocean breeze, 
As the sea speak of me...
Freedom is deeper than a night of sleep, 
As the night beat,
My heart speak of the freedom so deep,
Before six feet cover me in a soundless sleep,
As grass becomes my mouth full teeth, 
In a place where the possum feast,
As I become a beast created within a beast...
Where I now sleep. ..


  • it is good

    Aug 20, 2017

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