Wondering Why?
Read Count : 143
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
I wondered why I couldn't eat today?That I got the call another O.D,Another Friend possibly passed away.This Disease kills many!Now i have to feel as if I just lost my best friend, my back bone, my partner in crime, MOST IMPORTANTLY💔 MY BEST-FRIEND💔The Emotions I Concealed are now flooding the gates of HELL!IF I WERE TO BE IN THE COLD 🥶 DARK PLACE 🤧COMPLETELY HIGH OUT MY MIND😩AND ADDICTED.Then I would have;"GOT A BAG""PICKED UP A PILL"or"PICKED UP A BOTTLE "Just to ease the pain from my mental!And Every time I came down, I would feel Double The Pain, Then I'd Double The Dose!In the End theDAMAGE was DETRIMENTAL!THE SAD 😥 PART ABOUT IT IS...WE USED TOGETHER,THE BEST MEMORIES 👌 WE HAVE,WILL NEVER BE REMEMBERED!"