Evil Wishes
Read Count : 81
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Evil wishes Riley she was a very poor woman she is very jealous for all the people sorrounding her since she never have any chance of having fun people always judges her by her appearance and never judge her by how she feels. One day she wanted to be free she wanted to have power to destroy every single person who judges her by her appearance and then a guy came out he said ", if you want the power I can give you the power you are looking for all you need to do is trap yourself withinga sacred glass do a ritual and recreate a new you which the one who would be evil", she did everything the guy said until it was finally her time the guy gaved her a crown which apparently gives her power to do everything she wanted todo and anything she wanted to have. After that every single people believed her since she was the most powerful person living any single move they do can get them killed she forgot about Riley and named herself the sorcerres she takes control of everything people who don't follow her gets killed ~ to be continued
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