The Triple C
Read Count : 142
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Spirituality
Ini Collect de ancient chanting pun Ini most blessed wisdom passed down from ancient beings of revolution blessed in lionorder oh Jah oh Jah Rastafari most wonderful Haile Selassie I blessed Rastafari.Ini Connect fully wid de vibrations de synchronicities 11:11 de info pun blessed spirit,Ini steady rockin forward as de fire always burning remaining one wid de mind and one wid de mama oh Jah oh Jah how great dou art,blessed most higher and most imperial dimensions,Ini is true Rasta man and woman,blessed most wonderful Empress Menen Blessed HIM.Ini Carry the armory of African Essence de true shine of roots,BINGI MUMMA Ini is true Ini is peaceful children of de Most High the one and only forever most selah Jah Rastafari oh His Imperial Majesty I the Kings of Kings the Lord of Lords the Conquering Lion of de tribe of Judah Haile Selassie I,Rastafari lead de way care not wat anyone say.