Will Of Chance Guffaw
Read Count : 150
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
Ode to the sun of the rise.
How logwill the whispers of the windsong despise.
How long will eloquence Donn the ire.
When will love bequeath the fire.
It did.
In the wine of embrace.
In the whims of energies lace.
In the infuriating sensuality of starburst might.
In all the orders of emblazoned sugared delight.
In the reality raised surreal mighty the truth transcendental.
In the full chocolate energy white divine.
In the well ordered sublime.
In the supurnal, twilight of extasy to rise in the shades of the morn.
To the sexy and beauties shorn.
To the sumptuous zealed.
The mighty the Carmel thunder peal.
Epiphanies, balisimo.
Fin, to begin the equaminous real.